Family Doctors Enabling Integrated Care

About the program
Family doctors’ involvement and leadership are essential to the successful development of integrated health care systems (i.e. OHTs).
The Family Doctors Enabling Integrated Care program provides Mainpro+ certification support to integrated health care teams (i.e. OHTs). Certifying your session(s)/program will assist family doctors in earning Mainpro+ credits for their participation and demonstrates your commitment to the development and delivery of quality sessions for family doctors.
There are two ways to participate in this program.
Participate in OCFP’s already certified program for your initial meeting:
Family doctors engaging in initial discussions regarding the development of integrated health care teams can earn credits through this existing certified program. This program ensures family doctors can claim certified credits for time spent in early interactive and collaborative sessions (1-credit-per-hour; 1.5 credits total). Because the OCFP has already certified this program, your team does not need to submit their own certification application.
It’s easy to participate in this certified program.
This program has been created by the OCFP, in partnership with the Association of Family Health Teams (AFHTO), Ontario Medical Association (OMA) and Section on General Family Practice (SGFP).
Certify your own session/program for your integrated health care team:
We also know that many integrated health care teams already exist and offer exceptional applied learning opportunities. Family doctors who participate in these discussions can continue to earn 1-credit-per-hour once your health care team certifies this work. This includes earning credits for attending monthly town halls, lunch and learn webinar series, presentations, etc.
To support you, the OCFP has prepared a guide to help you submit a Mainpro+ application, as well as certification templates. You’re able to access these resources on our website, and OCFP staff are available to help you in the application process.
Visit OCFP’s Mainpro+ page for general certification information.
Contact us for more information if your integrated health care team is interested in this program.