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Helpful approaches to insomnia

Insomnia can be caused by multiple factors and may require a longer appointment, but family doctors don’t always have the time. If the issue is not addressed, overreliance on sleep aids can lead to patient dependency and poor sleep can lead to substance use, as well as decreased productivity and mood. Connect with us as our panelists discuss experiences treating insomnia with non-pharmaceutical methods (ex. Cognitive behavioral therapy) and relaxation techniques. We’ll also provide a treatment algorithm and share what other options one should try after melatonin and trazodone. The Practising Well Community of Practice has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Ontario Chapter for up to 1 Mainpro+Ⓡcredits. This Community of Practice includes a series of planned webinars. Each session is worth 1 Mainpro+Ⓡcredits, for up to a total of 12 credits. Panelists: Co-host: Moderator: Download the resources: Watch the session: Listen or download the audio: Self Learning Program: This session is part of the Practising Well Self Learning Program. Visit the Self Learning Program page to learn more and to participate. Need more information?