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Supporting patients with ADHD and comorbidities  

May 28, 2025 | 8:00 am to 9:00 am

ADHD is often missed due to its shared characteristics with anxiety and depression, or because patients have multiple mental health conditions in addition to ADHD.  In Ontario, waitlists to see a psychiatrist can be extensive, but many family doctors don’t feel comfortable diagnosing ADHD. In this session, our panelists will discuss how undiagnosed ADHD can lead to declining productivity at work or school, diagnostic tools that can help diagnose patients and other resources to support patients with ADHD and co-occurring medical conditions.  

The Practising Well Community of Practice has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Ontario Chapter for up to 1 Mainpro+Ⓡcredits. This Community of Practice includes a series of planned webinars. Each session is worth 1 Mainpro+Ⓡcredits, for up to a total of 12 credits.


  • Dr. Devon Shewfelt
  • Dr. Joan Flood
  • Dr. Sidra Khan


  • Dr. Stephanie Zhou, Addictions Medicine Physician and EDI & Social Accountability Lead, Sunnybrook Hospital; FHO Lead, Don Mills FHT; Assistant Professor, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine; Board Director, Toronto Public Health, Toronto, ON


  • Dr. Carrie Bernard, Family Physician Queen Square FHT, Continuing Professional Development and Partnerships Lead, Division of Mental Health & Addictions DFCM, Assistant Professor DFCM University of Toronto, Assistant Clinical Professor DFM McMaster University