Elevating Excellence:
Mentorship Development in Family Medicine
About the program
Participants will learn how to lead discussions that prioritize learners and enhance their skills in mentoring and coaching adults through this self-learning program.
How to Participate
Watch the recordings and complete the self-learning evaluation to earn MainPro+ credits.

Select a topic:
Following active participation, participants will be able to:
- Explore and apply ways to self-assess your own wellness and respond in a self-compassionate, respectful way. You need to be able to prioritize and model your personal wellness and address barriers to your own wellness in a skillful way.
- Use provided tools and resources to facilitate and support learner-focused conversations about unique ways to cultivate wellness and reduce burnout in the learner’s practice.
- Increase your skillfulness with mentoring and coaching adult learners.
- Effectively identify strategies and resources that help learners to navigate clinical complexity and strengthen their adaptive expertise.
- Facilitate a small-group session for family physicians focused on adaptive expertise in a way that promotes safeness and respect for all involved.

This 1-credit-per-hour self-learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Ontario Chapter for up to 6 Mainpro+ credits. There is no cost to this program.
Additional opportunities

Become a Peer Guide
Share your expertise and support your colleagues in achieving their goals.

Join our Community of Practice
Connect in real time and learn with your colleagues.