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Practising Wisely 

Practising Wisely is a program developed and led by family physicians, which delivers actionable knowledge, applicable tools and proven strategies to help you do what’s necessary – and prevent what’s unnecessary. This workshop focuses on identifying opportunities to practice wisely thereby orderings tests and imaging according to clinical indicators, reducing over-diagnosis and over-treatment through clinically appropriate screening and prescribing. Learn about evidence-based and curated resources that supports individualized patient care and shared decision-making in your practice. 

This program consists of 7 e-learning modules: 

  1. Ordering Tests and Imaging Wisely                
  2. Shared Decision Making 
  3. Overdiagnosis and Cancer Screening               
  4. Deprescribing 
  5. Antibiotics for Viral infections 
  6. Overprescribing of Inhalers 
  7. Serious Illness Conversations in Primary Care 

Modules 1-4: 7 hours, 3 credits per hour 

Modules 5, 6 & 7: 1 hour each, 3 credits per hour 


Core program consists of four modules (Ordering tests & Imaging Wisely; Shared Decision Making; Overdiagnosis and Cancer Screening; Deprescribing) 

  • 2022 release of two additional modules (Antibiotics for viral infections; Overprescribing of Inhalers) 
  • 2023 release of an additional module on serious illness conversations in primary care 
  • Learn how to adopt evident-based course of action   
  • Implement shared decision-making in your practice 

How could you benefit from this program? 

After this workshop, family physicians who participated highlighted that they were able to: 

  • turn one-sided conversations into rich discussions that can help them understand their patients’ perspective, fears and ideas. 
  • Make sense of contradictory tools and tips. 
  • Implement screening strategies. 

The program includes active learning exercises such as case studies, individual reflection and group work to help you build communication skills to guide your patients through the shift from seeking sickness to enhancing health. 

Practicing wisely infographic