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CaRMS Match Message 2024 

March 19, 2024

Dear Aspiring Family Physician, 

I would like to recognize those who have just matched to family medicine, and those of you currently in your family medicine residencies. For those of you who have just matched, congratulations, and welcome! You have chosen an amazing profession that will undoubtedly bring you joy throughout your career. 

Being a family physician truly is a privilege. We develop relationships with our patients over a period of many years – following infants and children as they grow into adult, and continuing to support them through their healthcare journey as they start their own families. I can say with certainty and pride that you are joining a profession where you will make a difference in your patients’ lives! 

We also know that family physicians in Ontario face system-wide issues that impact our ability to focus on patients – high administrative burden, inconsistent access to team support, and compensation that has not kept pace with inflation or the complexity of care that we provide. However, I believe that it is possible to turn this around and get family medicine back to a place where we all can focus on caring for our patients. 

The Ontario College of Family Physicians will continue to advocate on behalf of all family physicians. I believe we are making a difference, and I am hopeful that we will see the changes that we need in the system as a result. 

In closing, as you embark on the incredible path that you have chosen, please remember the profound impact you will have on the lives of so many others. I truly am inspired by your choice to become a family physician and I look forward to remaining connected. 


Dr. Mekalai Kumanan 

President, Ontario College of Family Physicians 

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