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Below, please find important news related to family medicine, OCFP advocacy and government policy changes impacting family doctors and your patients. Members of the media can contact the OCFP Communications Team at

October 26, 2023

Ontario College of Family Physicians Welcome David Courtemanche its Board of Directors

The Ontario College of Family Physicians is pleased to announce that David Courtemanche, of Greater Sudbury, has been appointed to its Board of Directors.

News Releases
October 12, 2023

Ontario College of Family Physicians Calls for Immediate Support for Family Doctors

New data shows decline in comprehensive family medicine, deepening the crisis Urgent action is necessary in order to reverse a concerning trend that could see the province losing more family doctors, leaving even more Ontarians without the kind of care they need and want from a family doctor.

News Releases
October 5, 2023

Important update from the OCFP

CEO Kimberly Moran will be leaving the OCFP, effective Nov. 24, 2023.

News Releases
September 28, 2023

New CPSO Advice Clarifies Roles and Responsibilities in Common Care Scenarios 

Family doctors told the OCFP and SGFP that other parts of the healthcare system are placing unnecessary and inappropriate burden onto family doctors and your practice.

August 9, 2023

Immediate Action is Needed to Support Northern Ontario Family Doctors Working to Keep Emergency Rooms on the Brink of Closure Open

Several Northern Ontario hospitals are at risk of closing their emergency rooms (ERs), with family doctors currently working around the clock to help keep them open.

News Releases
July 13, 2023

Chief Medical Officer of Health shares information on the voluntary recall of the JCOVDEN (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine

As a result of a voluntary recall of the JCOVDEN (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine, the CMOH is communicating with all COVID-19 vaccinators to discontinue the use of this vaccine and consider other available vaccines.

July 13, 2023

The Ministry of Health and Ontario Health address the turnaround time for cytology testing

The Ministry of Health and Ontario Health communicated that they have addressed the delays in turnaround times and backlog for cytology (Pap) testing and are continuing to work towards the goal of patients receiving their results within the typical standard of 10 to 14 days by the end of the summer.

July 13, 2023

Minister of Health announces the new Model of Care Innovation Fund

In recognition of the importance of innovative approaches to address health challenges in Ontario, the Ministry of Health has communicated the launch of the new Models of Care Innovation Fund.

July 10, 2023

Urgent Action Needed to Address the Family Medicine Crisis in Canada

Ontario family doctors join colleagues from across Canada calling for urgent action to address the family medicine crisis across the country. Read our letter to all of Canada’s Premiers.

News Releases