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Getting Off the Path to Burnout

Hear from Dr. Marcia Kostenuik on tips to recognize the early signs of burnout, how to identify personal risk factors and system issues that increase your risk of burnout and finally she shares strategies you can apply immediately to monitor and reduce stress, set healthier work limits, develop true resilience, and create better work-life balance to reduce the risk of burnout. Panelists.

Caring for people who have experienced trauma

Panelists: Download the resources: Watch the session: Listen or download the audio Self Learning Program This session is part of the Practising Well Self Learning Program.

The Chronic Pain of Fibromyalgia

Panelists: Download the resources: Watch the session: Listen or download the audio Self Learning Program This session is part of the Practising Well Self Learning Program.

Working with patient losses during the pandemic

Panelists: Download the resources: Watch the session: Listen or download the audio Self Learning Program This session is part of the Practising Well Self Learning Program.

Navigating undifferentiated distress during the pandemic

Learn about strategies to recognize and respond to undifferentiated distress in your patients, or even in yourself as a family physician. Consider the impact of pandemic uncertainties on the mental health of patients and healthcare professionals, and some supports that are available.

When your head hurts too much…

Hear from your colleagues about strategies to manage and address different kinds of headaches. Panelists.

Normalize don’t Stigmatize – Let’s talk about Alcohol

Family doctors. The help they need can come from you.

Letting go or living with anxiety

Learn about different anxiety disorders and hear from your colleagues about approaches to caring for patients dealing with anxiety. Panelists.

Grief Medicine: Giving Space for Acknowledging Life’s Losses 

Coping with undesired change and loss can be difficult. Join your colleagues to consider and discuss strategies for recognizing and responding to grief and loss, and to learn about support for yourself and your patients.

Supporting Patients Amid an Opioid Epidemic

The ongoing opioid crisis has only gotten worse during the pandemic. Join your fellow family doctors to discuss strategies for managing opioid use by patients, unique issues facing practitioners, and hear about alternatives to regularly prescribed opioids.

Helping Patients Manage Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common reasons that patients visit their doctor. Yet without effective intervention it can become a chronic condition.

Even short appointments can help with substance use disorders

Family doctors are often the first medical professional that patients turn to when seeking help for a substance use disorder. But there is rarely enough time in a single appointment to provide in-depth counselling.