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Harm Reduction in Family Practice: Responding to changing policies

Evidence demonstrates the effectiveness of harm reduction interventions in improving health outcomes, building trust, and reducing substance-related harms. In this session, we explore the impact of SCS closures on family practice, focusing on the potential health sequelae and the importance of harm reduction-informed primary care. Our panel will include a lived experience perspective and will discuss what harm reduction-informed care looks like in practice, how closures and supply restrictions impact patient care, and strategies for family physicians to prepare and respond effectively. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and learn practical approaches to support patients and communities impacted by these closures. The Practising Well Community of Practice has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Ontario Chapter for up to 1 Mainpro+Ⓡcredits. This Community of Practice includes a series of planned webinars. Each session is worth 1 Mainpro+Ⓡcredits, for up to a total of 12 credits. Panelists: Moderator: Co-host: