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Helping patients manage cannabis dependencies

Legalized cannabis and the marketing of its products has led to patients experiencing an increased dependency on cannabis to manage pain and anxiety. Family doctors don’t always know when cannabis is indicated and the messaging available may come from sources with a conflict of interest. What can family doctors do to support patients experiencing cannabis dependency? Join your fellow family doctors as we engage in a discussion, share personal experiences and practical tips and strategies to help. The Practising Well Community of Practice has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Ontario Chapter for up to 1 Mainpro+Ⓡcredits. This Community of Practice includes a series of planned webinars. Each session is worth 1 Mainpro+Ⓡcredits, for up to a total of 12 credits. Panelists: Moderator: Download the resources: Watch the session: Listen or download the audio: Self Learning Program: This session is part of the Practising Well Self Learning Program. Visit the Self Learning Program page to learn more and to participate. Need more information?