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Winter virus season and changes to breast cancer screening in Ontario

Virtual Event Virtual Event

December 15, 2023 | 8:00 am to 9:00 am

Please join us for the 69th in our series “Changing the way we work” on Friday December 15, 2023. In this session, we will review the latest data on respiratory viruses, tips for approaching these in practice and related vaccines including the new pneumococcal vaccines. We will hear about upcoming changes in eligibility for breast cancer screening and the evidence behind this decision. Finally, we’ll reflect on the past year and celebrate the important role family physicians play in the system. We appreciate you submitting questions at registration to help us plan the session.

View Session and Materials:


  • Dr. Allison McGeer, Infectious Disease Specialist, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON
  • Dr. Jonathan Isenberg, Provincial Primary Care Lead, Cancer Screening, Ontario Health, Toronto, ON
  • Dr. Anna M. Chiarelli, Senior Scientist and Provincial Scientific Lead, Ontario Breast Screening Program, Clinical Institutes & Quality Programs, Ontario Health, Toronto, ON
  • Maggie Keresteci, Executive Director at Canadian Association for Health Services & Policy Research, Toronto, ON


  • Dr. Mekalai Kumanan, OCFP President, Family Physician, Two Rivers Family Health Team, Chief of Family Medicine, Cambridge Memorial Hospital, Cambridge, ON


  • Dr. Tara Kiran, Fidani Chair of Improvement and Innovation, University of Toronto and Family Physician, St. Michael’s Academic Family Health Team, Toronto, ON
  • Dr. Eleanor Colledge, CPD Program Director, University of Toronto and Family Physician, South East Toronto Family Health Team, Toronto, ON